Saturday 24 January 2015

My Favourite Memories

My friend told me once The best pix are in your memory...It is means that any photo made by machine never compares with pictures which you keep in own mind. The last time we take photos very rarely. It's a pity because I have a bad memory...Sometimes I look through my pictures and the past doings appear in my recollections.
We took this photos in spring four years ago when my family was on holiday in Crimea. We were in Saki.

There is cute pension where we cured our backs. We went on mud wraps by Dead Lake, did the massage, drunk mineral water, breathed sea air, bathed in The Black Sea and The Dead Lake.
And of course we fed the mosquitoes...)))

 In first of May we decided to go from Saki to The Tarkhankut Cape in Olenevka for diving. It is more than 115 km on one way by car.  The Tarkhankut Cape is diver's Mecca. It has marvelous loundscape with the sharp rocks and the deep blue sea.

We want to see underwater museum The  Dux Alley in The Big Atlesh Bay very muchThere are more than 60 stone exhibits such as Lenin, Beethoven, The Eiffel Tower...But we forgot the wallet in pansion number...It was very funny )))
Earlier I thought I will be back here and will do this  next time. But now... Now I just keep my better memories in my head,in  my eyes and my heart...
And my memory flash ))))


  1. pix - фотокартки
    rarely - рідко
    look through - передивлятися
    past doings - минулі події
    appear - з'являтися
    recollection - спогад
    cure - лікувати
    mud wraps - вапняні обгортування
    sharp rocks - гострі скелі
    exhibits - експонати

  2. I agree with you. I hardly ever take photos either with my phono or my camera. But I think I will regret it later because you can`t keep all of the memories in your head and as the time passes you forget more and more:( But your photos are great!

  3. Before I read your story I looked fotos)))And I really thought that these fotos you did somewhere in Greece)))I was really surprised! There are very beautiful and incredible views. I was in Crimea only two times((( It`s a pity that we can`t go there now(((

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