Sunday, 22 March 2015


  Britain doesn't have official birds such as bald eagles in the United States.Activists decided to change this misunderstanding.They ballot online voting for the bird, which can  recognize the national symbol officially . There are 10 birds. You can vote for them until May. The robin has all chances to win.

 1. Mute swan
 Weighing up to 9kg the familiar, elegant swan is also one of the world's largest flying birds.

2. Red kite

As well as a master of aerobatic displays, the red kite is a conservation success story - it recovered from a tiny and dwindling population to its present numbers which exceed 3,000.

red kite
 3. Hen harrier
 One of the most persecuted birds in the UK, according to Mr Lindo the hen harrier should be Britain's choice if we want to 'back an underdog'.

hen harrier
 4. Puffin
Also known in Scotland as the sea parrot, the charismatic puffin can only be seen in Britain in the summer, as it spends the winter months at sea.
5. Barn owl
 The barn owl is a distinctive, nocturnal hunter and a much-loved, widespread feature of the UK countryside.
 barn owl 
6. Kingfisher
 Despite its fame and bright colouring, the kingfisher is not an everyday sight because it spends so much time waiting motionless - before a blue flash darts towards its prey.

 7. Wren
 A tiny brown bird with a very big voice and a long Latin name (Troglodytes troglodytes), the wren is the most common UK breeding bird.
 8. Robin
 Arguably already Britain's favourite bird, the robin only develops its famous red breast as an adult - but its iconic colouring is shared by both males and females.
 9. Blackbird
 By contrast, male and female blackbirds look rather different: the females are in fact brown, not black; these birds are familiar favourite in UK gardens with a beautiful mellow song.
 10. Blue tit
 Another common garden visitor, especially of feeders and nest boxes, the blue tit in fact displays a vibrant mixture of blue, yellow, white and green.
 blue tit 
 How do you think which bird is Ukrainian symbol? Possibly a blue tit? It has our Ukrainian colours.


  1. I was also wondering what bird can be a Ukrainian official bird. A blue tit seems perfect in this respect! I also like a robin and a puffin. And a barn owl looks so weird!

  2. I like a barn owl the most, its beautiful )
