Sunday, 19 April 2015

About My New Interest

At school I didn't have astronomy so my knowleges about space was badly. No, they was zero...Until nowdays...
My husband likes science TV programs very much. Especially about space. If he had any oppotunity to look at our Solar sistem throug telescope he used it! But I didn't understand nothing and I was very ashemed about this. So, I decided to surprise him. One day I learned some information and asked my husband examened me. He was proud of me))) 
Look at the pictures! It is an amazing! There is our The Solar Sistem which comprise to The Milky Way Galaxy (as chocolate bar from our childhood). It includs central star The Sun and 8 planetes which shares on 2 groups. 

 Earth group includes Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Their atmosphere consist of silicates and metals. The second group - called Gas/Ice Gigants - includes much bigger planets which consist of gas - Jupiter, Saturn, Uran and Neptune.
 Earlier was 9 planets. But in 2006 Pluto has been excluded because conception "planet" has changed. Now Pluto is minor-planet.
7 planets named as Greece or Rome Gods. And 1 - Venus - as Goddess))) 
Mercury is the nearest planet from The Sun. Neptune is the farthest planet from The Sun.
Mercury and Venus doesn't have any satellites. The Earth satellite is Moon. Jupiter has 67 satellits. One of the most popular Jupiter satellit is Europe. It is biggest satellite was explored by Galileo Galiley. Now scientists believes that on Europe might be life as on Earth because Europe covered by million km ice ocean. 

Another scientist - Nicolaus Copernicus - Polish astronomer who is author of Heliocentric system. He explored that The Sun is central object. Before Copernicus people believed in opposite system - Geocentric system - The Sun and other space objects turn around Earth. In Lviv is street named by Nicolaus Copernicus.

It is very interesting that 6 planets turn around its axises at the same derection as The Sun. But Venus turnes at the opposite side. And Uranus turns around its axis as "lying on its side". 
Maybe now I would be interested by Interstellar or Gravity. And maybe I had anoter one dream...

What kind of mark you can get me?


  1. I would give you an excellent mark! I am sure that astronomy is very interesting though I never really studied it:) Do you know why Venus turns the opposite way?

  2. Vira, I don't))) I must ask my teacher)))

    1. It might be trying to be original and go against the mainstream!

  3. Oh, this time came!) I learned about your new hobby) What do you think when will meet guests from other planets?)
